
RealDefense certifies its software apps through AppEsteem ( for industry and best practices compliance. AppEsteem dictates how an application should perform on users device, how it should collect data, as well as the supply chain associated with the software product being marketed. This includes any upsells made after the initial purchase, software communication via email and pop ups and call centers used to provide technical support. RealDefense pays AppEsteem a fee so that AppEsteem can review our apps continuously and certify new versions of our apps.


RealDefense is a member of CleanApps (, an organization dedicated to consumer privacy and industry compliance. CleanApps provides guidance and advocacy for industry leaders including Microsoft.


We use Trustwave to monitor our servers for potential attacks and vulnerabilities. We use Trustwave to continuously monitor our technology platform that stores, processes and transmits cardholder data. We perform the required procedures to validate compliance with PCI DSS.


RealDefense uses GeoTrust to encrypt the data submitted and transacted on our site. For example, we encrypt credit card information which is submitted to us from consumers.


We use DigiCert to code-sign all of our software. DigiCert verifies that our company is a true owner of the software and confirms our company identity. We renew these certs once per year to make sure we are fully compliant.


RealDefense will never call you unless you ask, so we provide all our listed phone numbers to Nomorobo for Blacklisting to protect consumers from unwanted calls. Nomorobo has an algorithm for detecting high-frequency calling patterns. It can look at lots of calls and see which ones are auto-dialed by scammers. Nomorobo provides call blocking services to consumers directly and through partnerships with major carriers.


RealDefense is a member of BBB, we pay BBB a yearly fee so that they can monitor any consumer complaints and help us mitigate resolutions..

Do Not Call Policy

RealDefense follows a strict and fully compliant Do Not Call Policy.


Did you get a phone call from an automated dialer offering a refund for a service you purchased from us? It's likely a scam.